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Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck)

Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck)

Why is my abdominal area not like as it was before?

Loose skin, sagging, stretch marks, wide waist, excessive fat, protruding tummy makes everyone uncomfortable regardless whether female or male.  You cannot get rid of these no matter how much you exercise or diet. The main reasons for these complaints are rapid weight gain or lose, pregnancies, previous abdominal surgeries, excessive (internal) fat around organs and regular alcohol intake. What women hate the most, especially on the beach is the tummy protrusion and the folds which are formed when they lean forward or sit. The primary reason of the protrusion and the folds are fatty and loose skin and loose concaved abdominal muscles.

How can I have a tight flat tummy?

Tummy tucks are the most definitive, permanent and ideal solutions in the eradication of such complaints. The aim of a tummy tuck operation is to regain the appearance of a thinner waist, be free of all stretch marks and to have a flat attractive looking tummy.  A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a procedure in which the abdominal excessive skin fat and the fat layer beneath the skin are removed and the skin is re stretched. At the same time the relaxed abdominal muscle layer (rectus diastasis) is tightened. With these internal and external surgical corrections a flat tight tummy and hour glass thin waist is hence ensured.

Who are good candidates for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

If you have excess skin, sagging, bulging and stretch marks in your abdominal area and these are disturbing to you we should first talk about the degree of these deformations in a detailed consultation.  The  results of this examination will act as the  determinant factor in  deciding your eligibility for a tummy tuck operation and the type of operation suitable for you (mini- extended- full abdominoplasty and other options). During this stage the advantages and the disadvantages of all possible surgeries applicable to you will also be explained to you in full detail.

What are the latest trends of Tummy Tuck procedures?

The tummy tuck operations of today are not as painful as they used to be in the past. The main reason for this can be attributed to assistance of Laser lipolysis surgeries and the anaesthetics applied internally during the surgery.

In addition to this new tummy tuck procedure technique, selections has been added to the old ones which offer less pain, less scarring and rapid recovery. Whereas a mini abdominoplasty procedure is sufficient in achieving a flat tummy appearance for patients with only slight excess fat or sagging just below the abdominal area, a full tummy tuck may also be preferred by patients with fat excess above and below the navel area, who has a bulging or saggy tummy and stretch marks. Nowadays extended abdominoplasty, fleur de lis and circumferential methods are also available but these methods are preferred for patients who have had bariatric surgeries or has lost extreme amount of weight.

One of the other trends of recent years is planning the surgery scarring in accordance to the style of the underclothes you wear.

“No drain tummy tuck” is also very popular. – ( Drain is a device used to remove the blood which accumulates under the skin after an operation and ın recent years the need for draining has been reduced with stitches that prevents inside bleeding. Some operations are now completed without any drain device placements).

Where will the scarring be and will they disappear?

The basic principle of a plastic surgery is to hide all scarring. As in all other operations there is also scarring in tummy tuck procedures. We plan and hide the operation scarring beneath the underclothing. For this reason you are recommended to bring your regularly used style of underclothing with you to your consultation session.

You will have a basic idea of your post op scarring from the operation markings we will make on your body prior to your procedure.

ıf you have had a caesarean section we can do a horizontal planned incision immediately below it and correct the caesarean section scarring at the same time. The scarring matures over time and takes on the same colour as your normal skin. However, we also use ‘state of the art’ lasers, gel applications and assistive methods to speed up the fading and maturation processes.

What will I need to do before my operation?

  • Stop smoking at least 15 days before your operation schedule date and take lots of walks in fresh air after you stop smoking.  This is because smoking reduces blood oxygen levels causing tissue oxygenation disorders as a result.  In situations such as these the healing process may be affected and it may take longer for the wounds to heal then normal.
  • Herbal teas, vitamins and medications such as aspirin which all have blood thinning elements must all be stooped 1 week before the surgery schedule date.
  • You will be given a diet list specific to tummy tuck procedures to implement 2 days before the surgery schedule date
  • You will be asked to take some medications.
  • If you have any associated diseases such as diabetes, goiter, cardiovascular diseases etc we will consult with your related doctor in order to asses on how to proceed.

How will the surgery be done?

The operation will be carried out in a hospital environment, under general anaesthesia and will take between 3 to 4 hours. However if any liposuction procedures are also to be applied then actual operation time duration may vary accordingly. During the procedure the operation area will be injected with a liquid mixture containing anaesthesia and anti-bleeding agents and thus your post op pains and bruising will be highly reduced.  The operation starts with the removal of waist excess fat liposuction. Once this is completed the belly button is carefully cut and is separated from the surrounding skin. A horizontal incision is then made along the planned and marked lines below your laundry line and the skin is completely removed from the muscles.  If the midline muscles are weakened or loosened and separated from each other (rectus muscle diastasis) these are joined back together again which flattens the tummy and thins the waist area further. If there is any umbilical hernia this is also repaired during the operation.

If non drain operation has been planned stitches are placed immediately underneath the abdominal skin between the skin and the muscle tissue ensuring immediate bonding of the skin to its new place.  The excess skin (the section where the most fat and stretch marks are contained), calculated during the operation stage, is removed, stretched down and inward and are stitched in layers.  In this way the looseness and the sagginess are removed, the stretch marks are highly reduced and drawn beneath the laundry lines.

The navel is then stitched back to its original place via a new hole made on the stretched skin. The cut skin is stitched with subcutaneous stitches in its entirety so there are no outside stitching when closing the incision. This area is then taped up using special operation strips. At the end of the surgery a corset is put on the patient and wearing this corset for a full month (day and night) is recommended.

Can other operations be combined to this?

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) can be combined with breast operations, liposuction, arm and leg tightening operations, rhinoplasty or face lift, blepharoplasty operations. Your age, general health condition and usage of cigarettes will determine the suitability of operation combining.

What will I expect after my operation?

  • Under normal conditions you will be expected to stay in hospital 1 or 2 nights.
  • You will be asked to take small walks or move your legs about in bed 5-6 hours after your surgery
  • You will be required to implement the specific diet plan given to you for 3-4 days after your surgery.
  • You will be required to lie down, sit and walk in the way shown to you for 7-10 days after your surgery.
  • There will be no need to remove any stitching due to my surgical stitch closing technique preference in which I use dissolvable stitches beneath the skin.
  • You can return to your daily routine within 5- 7 days after your surgery. A medical sick report is issued for a period of 7-10 days in general. During this period you can carry out your work using a computer either lying down or sitting up quite comfortably.
  • You will be required to wear a corset for a full month 24/7 as this will help in your body get into shape quicker and prevent swelling. You can remove the corset during bathing but must put it back on immediately after.
  • You can return to your personal exercise programme 3 weeks after your surgery. Starting with short, non-exhaustive walks and increasing gradually. You can then return to your full exercise programme 2 months after your surgery after consulting with your doctor first.
  • The after op swelling will start decreasing in a matter of days and will have gone away within a month to six weeks leaving you with a brand new flat tummy and a thinner waist
  • You will be recommended not to fall pregnant for a full year after your surgery.

Are the results of a tummy tuck operation permanent?

Mini- extended, full, fleur de lis or circumferential abdominoplasty operations gives prefect results for people who have loose abdominal muscles, sagging skin and filled with stretch marks. Of course, although excellent results are achieved with surgery a balanced diet and regular exercises will be required in order to maintain its permanency.

Outer city – Overseas Patients:

We provide airport, bus station and hotel transfer services and daily city tours to our guest patients. It is very important for the health of the patient to stay under our treatment and observation for 5 days and getting well before going back to their city/country. They can be accommodated in one of our contracted hotels and take mini tours during this time at reasonable prices if they so wish.

2022 Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Prices.

The price of an abdominoplasty depends on the looseness of the stomach area, the condition of the stomach muscles, the level of excess fat, whether liposuction is to be performed or not, the age and the medical health status of the patient. In other words patients who are overweight with very loose tummy will not have the same price quote as the thinner patients.  The preference of the hospital to be used also an additional factor of the procedure cost.

I strongly recommend you to have consultation for accurate and healthy price information.

If you wish, you can obtain information from our +90 530 946 03 99 telephone number or by filling the contact form

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